We welcome contributions of any size and contributors of any skill level. As an open source project, we believe in giving back to our contributors. We are happy to help with guidance on PRs, technical writing, and turning any feature idea into a reality.

Take a look at GitHub’s Docs for helpful information on working with GitHub.

Types of contributions

There are lots of ways to contribute to Concepto AI.

Help writing docs, catching typos and errors, as well as translating docs into other languages is always welcome.

You can also get involved by leaving feedback on issues or reviewing pull requests by other contributors.

We encourage you to:

Setting up a development environment

You can develop locally or use an online coding development environment like GitHub Codespaces to get started quickly.

Developing locally

Prerequisites: Developing Concepto AI requires Node.js (v16 or higher) and npm. Make sure you have these installed before following these steps. If you’re developing new AI tools, you may need an OpenAI Developer API Key.



Fork the repo to your personal GitHub account by clicking Fork on the repo page.



Clone your fork of Concepto to your computer. Replace YOUR-USERNAME in the command below with your GitHub username to clone in a Terminal:

git clone `https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/app.git`

Change Directory

Change directory to the cloned repo

cd app

Install Dependencies

Install dependencies with npm

npm i

Developing using GitHub Codespaces

Create a new codespace for

The dev container used for GitHub Codespaces can also be used with other supporting tools, including VS Code.


Testing visual changes while you work

Run the dev server on the docs site to see how changes you make impact a project using Concepto.

To do this, open up your terminal, navigate to the root of the project, and then run pnpm dev:

npm run dev

You should then be able to open <http://localhost:4321> or <http://localhost:3000> and see your changes.


This doc is under development. If you see a change you think you can make, please check out our Github doc repo.